Privavy Policy Statement
We,,,, undertakes to treat as confidential and keep secret all private or registration data (''the Information'') of the customer. We will apply and comply with the laws and principles of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) of the Laws of Hong Kong and to meet internationally recognized standards of personal data privacy protection.
The information is used only by us for the purposes stated in the respective screens on which we invite you to provide your data and in accordance with this policy statement. We will only use the information provided for the stated purposes. We do not use your personal data for any other purposes without your prior consent unless such use is permitted or required by law.
To facilitate us to provide services to you from time to time, it is necessary for you on a voluntary basis to supply us with personal data. Personal data collected by us may include but not limited to the following:
a. name
b. e-mail address, address
c. telephone or pager or fax number
d. identity reference
e. bank account number and name
f. credit card number and expiry date, name of the bank
g. payment record
h. other materials in connection with our operations.
Once we have obtained your personal data, they will be maintained securely in our system. Only the authorized staff, who has been properly trained, will be permitted to access to such personal data. We will also ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.
We do not collect any personal data from you during your browsing our web sites. When you visit our web sites we record your visit only as a "hit" and do not collect any personal data from you. The "hit" information is to allow us to compile general statistics to show the daily number of visitors to our site. We use this information only for preparing general statistics on the usage of our web sites. When you visit certain services of our web sites, we collect general information about your visits by means of cookies files. "Cookies" are small text files that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. The information is only used for analyzing your preference in relation to the service we provide. You have a choice not to accept the cookies files, but if you do not, certain functionality may not be available.
Your personal data held by us will be kept confidential but we may provide such information to:
a. banks in connection with payment of relevant fees;
b. any other person or corporation under a duty of confidentiality to us which was undertaken to keep such information confidential;
c. where such disclosure is authorized or required by law; and
d. other third party organizations which may assist in our business.
e may from time to time send direct mailing materials based on your personal data. If you do not want your personal data be used for the purpose of direct mailing, please advise us in writing or by e-mail.
The Ordinance provides you the rights to ascertain whether we are holding your personal data, to obtain a copy of those data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. Requests for access and correction should be sent to our e-mail address at
Information on this website are for reference only and should NOT be considered as professional advice or a substitute for consultation with eye care professionals.
If you have any query regarding to you eye or vision, please consulate your eye care professionals.
Any individuals or organizations that wish to link to this website must first obtain written permission from,,,, is not responsible for any material posted any third party and it specifically disclaims any and all liabilities for any claims or damages that result from any postings by third parties.
私隱權保護政策,, 承諾保障你的私隱權利。謹根據香港法律之個人資料(私隱)條例(第486章)及國際認可之個人資料私隱保護政策,保障 閣下的私隱權利。,, 會跟根據此私隱權保護政策聲明邀請 閣下自願提供個人資料,而 閣下所提供的個人資料亦只會用於該畫面上說明的用途。除非是法律上需要或,事前經 閣下書面同意下,否則,, 及其有關僱員不會使用 閣下的個人資料。
凡登記使用,, ophk.hk網站服務均須自願提供個人資料,個人資料會包括但不限於以下資料:
a. 閣下姓名
b. 電郵地址、聯絡地址
c. 電話號碼、傳呼機號碼或傳真機號碼
d. 身份證明
e. 銀行戶口號碼及戶主姓名
f. 信用卡號碼及有效日期、銀行名稱
g. 交易記錄
h. 其他相關資料
當網站接收到 閣下的個人資料時網站系統會即時保存妥當並予以保密,只有得到授權及經過訓練的員工才可獲准接觸有關資料。,, 亦會確保僱員遵循在個人資料保安及保密方面的操守。
opticraft.com不會在 閣下瀏覽,, ophk.hk時搜集 閣下的個人資料。只會搜集 閣下的瀏覽次數記錄,瀏覽次數記錄的收集是用以估量,, ophk.hk的每日瀏覽人次,有關資料只作統計網站使用率。當 閣下瀏覽網站時,,, ophk.hk會以寄存Cookies方式搜集 閣下使用網站的資料。"Cookies"是從網站伺服器發出並儲存於 閣下電腦硬碟內的細小文字檔,經Cookies搜集的資料只作網站分析 閣下對,, ophk.hk網站的喜惡。 閣下可以選擇不接受Cookies,但網站的某些機能可能會不能使用。
a. 有關付款的相關銀行;
b. 商業伙伴及贊助商;
c. 得到許可及法律所需的地方;
d. 其他執行資料保安工作的人士及機構。
閣下的個人資料有可能會用於投寄促銷活動或相關的資訊,如果 閣下不想個人資料用作促銷用途,請以書面或電郵告之。
在此私隱權保護政策聲明下, 閣下有權追究個人資料的用途、要求擁有個人資料的副本,及更改任何不準確的資料。如需取用及更改個人資料,請電郵書面通知予。
視力中心(香港)有限公司網站內的所有資料及內容僅供參考,只能用作一般資訊、教育及參考。並不能當作診斷用途,更不能當作或代替眼科專業人士的醫療或專業意見。 如對你的眼睛或視力有任何疑問,應與你的護眼顧問詳細了解所有資料。本公司對任何因使用本網站或引用本網站的資料而引起的任何損失或損害概不負責。
本網站可能會被連結到其他網站,而該等網站之內容、服務、商品及廣告等,並非由視力中心(香港)有限公司維護或控制,視力中心(香港)有限公司對本網站可能被連結到的其他網站、其所提供之服務及商品,以及其內容或其內容準確性,概不負責。 任何人士或機構如想連結本網站須得到本公司書面同意。
本網站部分圖片來自於網絡,如果侵犯到 閣下的權益,請及早與本中心聯絡,本中心將在第一時間內整改、刪除。
Clinical Ophthalmology, 5 edition, Jack J. Kanski, Butterworth-Heinemmann.
Clinical Refraction, Third Edition, Irvin M. Borish, Professional Press Books, Fairchild Publications New York.